Brought to you by Daybreak Racing, Territory Run Co., Trail Butter, and Wy’east Wolfpack.
Must Read…
We want everyone to know: we are taking our current situation very seriously and want to be extremely clear in our messaging about the dire importance of avoiding running in popular areas, especially on trails, and/or any location(s) where you might contribute to crowding or fail to properly maintain social distancing guidelines (please read Safety Guidelines section below.)
CONCLUDED: First Summit: Loowit (Mt. St. Helens)
8,366’ sea to summit / 4,590’ trailhead to summit / 31 miles on the Loowit Trail
Think you have what it takes to "summit" Loowit and other classic peaks in the cascades?! Challenge accepted?! Get ready to 'Climb 4 Community' on April 13, 2020. (Bi-weekly programs run every 2 weeks for the next 8 weeks)
CONCLUDED: Second Summit: Wy'east (Mt. Hood)
Monday April 27, 2020 - Sunday May 10, 2020
11,250' sea to summit / 5,250' trailhead to summit / 40 miles on the Timberline Trail
CURRENT: Third Summit: Paho (Mt. Adams)
Monday May 11, 2020 - Sunday May 24, 2020
12,280’ sea to summit / 6,580’ trailhead to summit / 30 miles to circumnavigate in the two week period.