Trail Tunes: Ride Along With Sarah Sturm

We're beyond excited to share TB Pro, Sarah Sturm's, playlist with you as the next addition to the 'Trail Tunes' series!

Why? Because she's basically the coolest. Definitely cooler than us goons here at Trail Butter HQ - FACT!Sarah Sturm Trail Butter Pro Female Cyclist, MTB, Cyclocross rider

We created the Trail Tunes column because the opportunity to listen to the music people we admire enjoy feels like they're letting us in on a little secret. They're drawing the curtain back a bit more to offer a fuller, richer perspective into who they are a human beings - what tugs at their heart strings or what gets their aggro going so they can be ready to fully send it! 

We hope you get to know Sarah a little more through her playlist and maybe find it useful the next time you're out pedaling around your local trails!

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